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How to Get a Project Done on a Tight Deadline

Have you ever been in a huge rush to get a work project completed? Even though your work processes are ideally well-scheduled, sometimes you have a project due on a tight deadline that you didn’t anticipate.
Here are a few tips for completing a work project on a tight deadline.

Divide The Project into Pieces

One helpful approach for getting a project done on a tight deadline is to divide the project up into more manageable tasks and pieces. Doing so can help the project to seem less stressful and overwhelming, enabling you to better use your time and mental energy as you work on it.
You can also delegate parts of the project to different teams or individuals at your company. This can enable everyone to be working on the project at the same time, which can help it to be completed more quickly and efficiently. Dividing the project into pieces can help you to meet the tight deadline without getting so stressed.

Ask Employees to Work Overtime

Another step you might need to take when you’re pressured to get a project done on a tight timeline is to ask your employees to work overtime. If you have to do this, make sure you’re incentivizing and rewarding your employees sufficiently for their efforts. For example, buy them dinner, pay them overtime, or offer other bonuses.
Employees that work overtime are owed 1.5 times their hourly wage. Make sure you don’t threaten to fire them if they don’t work overtime as this will negatively affect your work environment. Remember, they have other responsibilities outside of work and are sacrificing their time just as much as you are.

Set Goals and Schedules

Finally, when you have a big deadline looming for a project, make sure you set goals and schedules to help your team accomplish it on a tight timeline. This approach goes hand in hand with dividing your project into pieces. When you’re trying to tackle a big project with a pressing deadline, setting specific goals and schedules for the different pieces of the project will help you to stay on track. For example, set a schedule that will help you to see when different parts of the project should be completed. This will help you to know if you’re on track to meet your tight deadline or not.
So, if you have some tight work deadlines coming up, remember these few helpful approaches. You can divide the project into pieces, ask employees to work overtime, and/or set goals and schedules. Remember, even though tight deadlines can be stressful, meeting them on time can influence your company’s future reputation and success.