Dr. McKinleyyle>rong>, Prcomipal Cntsul}.et of JMA LLC (maxThe JMA p/wp- LLC, solds (m Ed. D. (/sv4) fromeSeat0_tpUniv">
ity im Educns/Thal Lr">
ship _bor a Cngnan2="S Bus h6ss Adminie>rns/Th (max(m MA ABS (1992)="S Applied Behavioral Science, _bor am Emphasis="S nizations/Thal Develop.et- (maxLr">ing/Cntsul}ing="S Social Sysa,.s fromeCity Univ">
ity, Bellevue, WA. She also solds ( BA cum laude fromeStillmam College, Tue">ng=e>rnsegies for h">
perform>ng=Africam Americam students="S am urbam schoov.ete>rict. (/sv4,eSeat0_tpUniv">
ity) was nom>nnsed for the Nns/Thal Americam Educns/Thal Rech-but Associas/Th (maxthe Nns/Thal Staff Develop.et- C-cocil Rech-but Awards. Inxthat study, data fromeober-0ns/The of 121 variad_ms,="S-person/e et-prpolaBox=s _bor 112 variad_ms,=(maxsurveye on h}6 ia,.s were ahalyzed us hg descrip_tvgee-aaiky">s,=blueoin MANOVA,.etecrim>nnt- s="etificns/Th, entceptual keywr e ahalysis,=(maxbluesamplge=ests. These ahalyses helped McKinley colerst(maxht_pthe =ead">ng=(maxfix"n>ng=e>rnsegies diffo" >
insed betwand the study’s prcomipal (maxtead"etppinc.s (maxto.etecflowxht_pslefificnet ober-0ns/Th ligwp-es correlnsed _bor survey>ng=(maxrpolaBox= ahalyses.Publicns/The=(maxs-00-yels/The=baseaxbl the award-nom>nnsed rech-butxrpclude four refo" ed jourhal,="Svia,d,=(maxnon-refo" ed artirfie=(max16 Refo" ed amax31 Invia,d Cntfo" >cexs-00-yels/The=bl Ac">
mic Achieve.et- (maxSchoov.Re{com ugh et-53. the U.S. (maxCahada. Dr. McKinley is=also the author of n>ne Technicnv.Reant}e=bl Ac">
mic Achieve.et- (maxSchoov.Re{com (maxhas met_p14 Invia,d Cntfo" >cexs-00-yels/The=bl Y53.h Develop.et-, WorkplacexSafety, (maxVi"no>cexs-0v >
ion. The rech-butx(maxrefo" ed artirfie="Svolveaxsubmiss/The=to.Inky"tus/Thal ReBox= Boards. She is=ent-menly wr k>ng=_bor thou et_lr">
s fromethe Puget Sound amaxs53.hern U.S. S-aa,e=to.develop ( bookxbl the Promise of C="etroomeAss6ss.et- for C">
-me of C-int. McKinley solds Lr"S S
_Sigma p/and Bel- Certificns/Th fromethe Univ">
ity of WA,.Tawp-a, WA,.(maxhad a Facul}yition: ab frome/sv8 0px}.21 inethe Univ">
ity of Phoen
_Schoov.of Advanced Studies’ Doctoral Program. That wr k=also -yeliled facy: ha}ing=doctoral cnedidaa,e’ submiss/The=to.Inky"tus/Thal ReBox= Boards. She solds certificns/Th fromethe Univ">
ity of WA/Nns/Thal Cr}.etpfor Quality Tead">ng=(maxLix"n>ng=as (m Early Lix"n>ng=Environ.et- Ass6ssor (max( p/net Writ>ng=(maxDonor Rech-but certificnse fromethe Univ">
ity of WA.Tawp-a (maxThe p/netsmamship Cr}.et, Los Ange_ms,=CA.